
Se ascolti le Lovecats vieni trasportato in un mondo dalle tinte pastello e dai tratti sognanti, dove, tra gatti e dinosauri, Cecilia e Adele, accompagnate da una chitarra, cantano dolcemente le loro melodie folk-pop. Nato a Verona nel 2010, il duo realizza un album di cover, dai Cure a Bob Dylan quali influenze maggiori. Poi è l’ora dei primi pezzi firmati Lovecats, dai quali emerge l’armonia tra Cecilia e Adele, un delicato intreccio di voci e strumenti.

Listening to the Lovecats is like being transferred to a land tinged with pastel shades. Like a daydream, surrounded by cats and dinosaurs, Cecilia and Adele softly sing along with a guitar their folk-pop tunes. Formed in 2010 in Verona, Italy, the duo started with some cover versions of songs by its main influences, from the Cure to Bob Dylan. When they first wrote their own songs, it was clear that Cecilia and Adele were completing each other, resulting in a delicate mixture of vocals and sweet harmonies.
